2 Mei 2011

For a Healthy House With Indoor Garden

Interior Gardens and Indoor Planter

In a narrow yards building houses often make some room in the house did not fully get the lighting and the fresh air / natural. As a result some of the room was dark and stuffy, so light and air conditioning must be kept lit at all times .. This way as much as possible be avoided, because in addition to unhealthy, electrical energy consumption is also a wasteful .. This contrasts with the issues that go green these days we often hear.

1 Mei 2011

Flower Caring Tips to Keep Blooms Gorgeous

Flower Garden with Natural Style

“Flowers symbolize beauty.” This expression is true. You’ll have to agree if the colors are bright flowers can create the feeling of being happy. Flowers is one of the powerful elements of the garden changed the face of a show garden views. In order to remain beautiful flowers and lush, gorgeous blooms, consider some of these tips.